(In)security in security software: NetExtender 0-day analysis [EN]

Shotokan - mercoledì 20 Gennaio
VPN clients are used by most of the IT security experts, to either connect to a ‘restricted’ LAN or to anonymize & secure the traffic or again for many other reasons.. But what happens if a VPN client can lead to a privilege escalation on the machine?

The easiest way(s) to pwn OSx [EN]

Shotokan - martedì 11 Agosto
Don’t get too excited, the following bugs are actually shitty bugs, nothing glorious like a Linux x86 Memory Sinkhole Privilege Escalation but still, they are a privilege escalation exploit and an SSH auth bypass exploit (working as of now 11/08/2015 in OSx 10.10.4). (Due to the ‘weight’ of this topic I’m gonna write this blog entry in English for the first time in the history of Aitch) (yay! international! \o/)

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